White Clover is a host plant for the Cloudy Wing
Skippers and
Orange and Clouded Sulphurs. It is
a nectar source for Viceroys and Silvery Blues.
A tea made from the flowers is used by Natives
for coughs and fevers and in Europe it has been
used to treat rheumatism and gout.
Butterfly Plants
Agastache |
Aster |
Borage |
Centaurea |
Cosmos |
Echinacea |
Lupine |
Marigold |
Mexican Sunflower |
Red Clover |
Violet |
White Clover |
The Butterflies
Black Swallowtail |
Cabbage White |
Mourning Cloak |
Red Admiral |
Silver Skipper |
Silvery Blue
Skipper |
Sulphur |
Tawny Crescent |
Tiger Swallowtail |
Vanessa |
White Admiral
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©1998–2002 Mike MacDonald