Mourning Cloaks lay eggs on willow, elm and poplar.
They nectar on lilac, loosestrife, Hesperis,
Centaurea, and
Mexican Sunflower and are attracted to
ripe fruit and sap.
They hibernate in winter and may come out looking for
food as early as March. Sheds and unheated buildings are
favorite hibernation sites.
Butterfly Plants
Agastache |
Aster |
Borage |
Centaurea |
Cosmos |
Echinacea |
Lupine |
Marigold |
Mexican Sunflower |
Red Clover |
Violet |
White Clover |
The Butterflies
Black Swallowtail |
Cabbage White |
Mourning Cloak |
Red Admiral |
Silver Skipper |
Silvery Blue
Skipper |
Sulphur |
Tawny Crescent |
Tiger Swallowtail |
Vanessa |
White Admiral
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©1998–2002 Mike MacDonald