Viola, Johnny Jump Up, is a host plant
for Fritillaries and nectar source for the
Cabbage White and Checkered White.
It germinates at 20° C in 12 days. Blooms in 12 weeks.
Space 15 cm, height 20 cm. The yellow native violet of
the prairies is easy to grow and is highly respected as
medicine by Athabascans, Dena’ina and other tribes.
Butterfly Plants
Agastache |
Aster |
Borage |
Centaurea |
Cosmos |
Echinacea |
Lupine |
Marigold |
Mexican Sunflower |
Red Clover |
Violet |
White Clover |
The Butterflies
Black Swallowtail |
Cabbage White |
Mourning Cloak |
Red Admiral |
Silver Skipper |
Silvery Blue
Skipper |
Sulphur |
Tawny Crescent |
Tiger Swallowtail |
Vanessa |
White Admiral
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©1998–2002 Mike MacDonald